Welcome to Grapevyne

Hello, my name is Brendan Cervantes, President of Grapevyne

Just over two years ago, I was sitting home watching mutual friends travel the world with a seemingly endless wallet. As if they didn’t work, have responsibilities or places to be, they were free– exploring the world and its cultures.

We’ve all had those thoughts to ditch our jobs and live out of a backpack. It’s impossible right? 

Weeks went by and the idea got deeper. Friends came on board and we started networking.

October 2021, the dream of Grapevyne was born.

Imagine a travel app that depends on interaction. Where you don’t need friends at your side constantly, but the excitement of meeting people from all walks of life and learning new cultures. 

Myself and nine others started planning. We joined business courses and Entrepreneur programs with Montclair State University. The Travel Industry is being dominated by websites and apps who care deeply about you booking with them instead of having a unique experience. Grapevyne doesn’t care about revenue and fame, but solely works for the user. Attached to cell phones 24/7, millions are still confused about how to properly travel. We need to work together!

Imagine a travel app that depends on interaction.

What if we made an app that works for everybody? Where you’re able to join destination based chat rooms and learn a city from the Local’s Point of View. Not only will this provide a safer and inexpensive vacation, but experiences would be unique to everybodies personality and interests.

Instead of researching paid advertisements, book with Grapevyne. The only businesses you’ll see are the small ones, who aren’t chains or commercialized. Though there’s not much for you to research! Instead, join your location based chat rooms to hear other traveler’s recommendations. Work together to find the best food, quality experience and memorable visit. Introduce yourself before vacations, so you’ll have a travel partner and potential lifelong friend. 

It’s time we revolutionize the Travel Industry; suiting the needs of young travelers, mom and pop businesses and unique experiences to share stories about. No two vacations should be the same. 

Your opportunities would be endless. Travel Safer Together- from a Local’s Point of View. Revolutionize the way you travel, with Grapevyne

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